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Mayor - Bob Beebe

Term expires (12/31/2023) 


The Mayor shall perform all the duties prescribed by the bylaws and ordinances of the municipality. He or she shall see that all ordinances, bylaws, and resolutions of the Legislative Authority are faithfully obeyed and enforced. He or she shall sign all commissions, licenses, and permits granted by the Legislative Authority, or authorized by Title VII of the Ohio Revised Code, and such other instruments as by law or ordinance require his or her certificate.
(§ 31.016).  The office of Mayor is part of the Executive branch of government.  

President Pro-Tem - Doug Drook

Term expires (12/31/2026)


When the Mayor is absent from the municipality, or is unable, for any cause, to perform his or her duties, the President Pro Tempore shall be the acting Mayor, and shall have the same powers and perform the same duties as the Mayor. (31.002).

The President Pro-Tem of Council is selected at the first meeting in January by a vote of the Council.  The office of President Pro-Tem is part of the Legislative branch of government.  The President Pro-Temp of Council is appointed yearly by a nomination of the Village Council. 

 Council Members 



Doug Drook

Mrs. Patricia Tomsic

Katie Hughes  

Mrs. Linda Humphries

Mr. Scott Williams

Ms. Allison Billups

Term Expires







Directory for Maineville

Solicitor - Julie Byrne


  • The village solicitor acts as the legal advisor to, and attorney for, the municipal corporation, and for all officers of the municipal corporation in matters relating to their official duties.  The village solicitor also represents the Village as the prosecutor in the Warren County Court for municipal code violations.  The village solicitor is an appointed position.  Currently, Julie Byrne, with the law firm of Ashbrook Byrne Kresge LLC, serves as the village solicitor.

ABK Solicitor.png


Planning Commission - See Ohio Revised Code Section 713.02


Planning Commission Members:

Bob Beebe, Mayor

Doug Drook, Council Liaison/Chairperson

Gus Bunnell, Resident

Ryan Gaerke, Resident

Nathan Gates, Resident

Zoning Board of Appeals 

LeAnne Loffer, Resident
Lia Davis, Resident
Kristi Montag-Resident
Steve Danhoff-Resident

Nick Thomas - Resident

Finance and Audit Committee - Resolution 2010-R49


Bob Beebe, Mayor
Scott Williams, Council (Chairperson)

Patricia Anne Tomsic, Council

Doug Drook, Council
Lia Davis, Resident
Fiscal Officer (Advisor)

 Holiday and Event Committee


Linda Humphries, Council, Chairperson

Doug Drook, Council

Patricia Tomsic, Council

OPEN - Resident

OPEN - Business Owner

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